Accountant filing taxes

Just In Time for Tax Season: Cybersecurity Resources for Accountants

As tax season approaches, accountants face a dual challenge—juggling time-sensitive responsibilities and fortifying defenses against rising cyber threats. Insecure data transfers, lax password practices, and the underuse of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) underscore the imperative for a resilient cybersecurity strategy in the accounting profession.

Red warning sign on a board. Portal Registration signup.

Ransomware: What Security Threats Lie Beyond the Surface?

Dive into our Media Cybersecurity Briefing’s latest insights, lauding the efforts of the Royal United Services Institute and the National Cyber Security Centre in exposing the ransomware menace. Consider this: How do the hidden consequences extend beyond financial losses to pose serious security threats?

Cybersecurity in Canada: CAFC’s 2023 Fraud Loss Statistics

Cybersecurity in Canada: CAFC’s 2023 Fraud Loss Statistics

Cyberfraud is a serious problem that affects millions of people worldwide. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) has released the latest statistics on cyberfraud losses in Canada and abroad for 2023. This article outlines three shocking facts that will make you rethink your online security and awareness.

Malware Infections Rising Despite Use of Anti-Phishing Tools

Malware Infections Rising Despite Use of Anti-Phishing Tools

Despite increased use of anti-phishing tools, malware infections continue to rise. This blog post explores why this is happening, delving into the evolving threat landscape, human error, outdated software, inadequate tool configuration, and limited coverage of anti-phishing tools. It provides insights on adopting a more holistic approach to ensure robust cybersecurity.